t128 document definitions
For the purposes of this Recommendation, the following definitions apply.
1. Application Sharing (AS): A process whereby two or more terminals cooperate
to share the output of applications running on one or more terminals to the
other terminals and to provide input to the applications.
2. Application Sharing Conference Entity (ASCE): An Application Protocol
Entity that interacts with a user application above and with the local MCS
(Multipoint Communication Service) and local GCC (Generic Conference
Control) providers below to implement application sharing. Data is
exchanged between peer ASCEs using ASPDUs (Application Sharing Protocol
Data Units).
3. Bitmap: A rectangular area described by a two dimensional array of
pixels. These pixels can be coded using a variety of
encoding methods.
4. ColorTable: A finite set of colors defined by at least three linearly
independent color primaries. This is a synonym for palette (see below), but
is used in this Recommendation to reference the particular cached palette
associated with cached bitmap data.
5. Desktop: The logical or physical display area for a particular terminal
or window manager advertised by the ASCE in the AS capabilities. An ASCE
may choose to advertise a size corresponding to the actual terminal display
area or some other logical display area.
6. Handle: An AS session-wide unique number used to identify an
addressable item.
7. Non-standard capability: The capability is outside the scope of this
Recommendation but it has been determined through negotiation that it is
recognized among all session participants.
8. Palette: A finite set of colors defined by at least three linearly
independent color primaries.
9. Palettized: A term used to describe protocol elements (such as bitmap
data) comprised of palettized pixels. The color of a palettized pixel is
specified by the color value at the location in a palette referenced by
the pixel value.
10. Pointer: A bitmap that is moveable over the virtual desktop that
is used as an indicator of position.
11. Standard capability: The capability is defined within the scope of this
Recommendation but is not required for all ASCE implementations. Note that
all standard capabilities must be negotiated before use.
12. Unicode: Multilingual text string format as defined in ISO/IEC
Specification 10646-1.
13. Virtual Desktop: A logical desktop that is the largest size of all
desktops of hosting ASCEs.
14. Window: A rectangular area on the desktop corresponding to a user
interface display area managed by the terminal window manager.
15. Window Manager: A program executing on the terminal, which is
responsible for managing a collection of user interface windows on
the terminal desktop.