xrdp ssl_calls.c replacement

Openssl replacement directions for xrdp.

Two projects in xrdp depend on openssl. Librdp and libxrdp.
With this page you can replace one file, edit 2 makefiles to remove the dependancy.
This is a replace ssl for xrdp.

To download ssl_calls.c click here
Copy this file to the common directory and replace the one that comes with xrdp.

You will also need to edit the Makefile in the libxrdp and librdp directories and take out the -lcrypro part. Just backspace it out.

Some of the code is GPL copyright Christophe Devine(MD5, SHA1, and RC4).
The rest is a non GPL copyright. Thats why its distributed this way.

This code contains copyrights from David Ireland. It follows.

/******************* SHORT COPYRIGHT NOTICE*************************
This source code is part of the BigDigits multiple-precision
arithmetic library Version 1.0 originally written by David Ireland,
copyright (c) 2001 D.I. Management Services Pty Limited, all rights
reserved. It is provided "as is" with no warranties. You may use
this software under the terms of the full copyright notice
"bigdigitsCopyright.txt" that should have been included with
this library. To obtain a copy send an email to
code@di-mgt.com.au or visit www.di-mgt.com.au/crypto.html.
This notice must be retained in any copy.
****************** END OF COPYRIGHT NOTICE*************************/
/************************* COPYRIGHT NOTICE*************************
This source code is part of the BigDigits multiple-precision
arithmetic library Version 1.0 originally written by David Ireland,
copyright (c) 2001 D.I. Management Services Pty Limited, all rights
reserved. You are permitted to use compiled versions of this code as
part of your own executable files and to distribute unlimited copies
of such executable files for any purposes including commercial ones
provided you keep the copyright notices intact in the source code
and that you ensure that the following characters remain in any
object or executable files you distribute:

"Contains multiple-precision arithmetic code originally written
by David Ireland, copyright (c) 2001 by D.I. Management Services
Pty Limited www.di-mgt.com.au, and is used with permission."

David Ireland and DI Management Services Pty Limited make no
representations concerning either the merchantability of this
software or the suitability of this software for any particular
purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty
of any kind.

Please forward any comments and bug reports to code@di-mgt.com.au.
The latest version of the source code can be downloaded from
****************** END OF COPYRIGHT NOTICE*************************/